Red Sox Game Three

1 minute read

I’m sure this will piss off a few people (and already has some others), but I saw my third Red Sox game of the season this past Tuesday night. And this is after the World Series I said that it would be impossible for me to see even a single game. But I digress.

Anyway, Allison invited me to go with her as part of a package deal that her mother had access to. The package was a bus ride into Boston, as much beer as you could drink, a sandwich, and a ticket to the game. Not that bad.

What was bad was the ride in. I started pounding beers, as did Allison. We arrived at the first and only rest stop on the way (from Worcester). I didn’t really feel like peeing and being all man, I didn’t to break the seal. Allison didn’t want to either, but I doubt it had anything to with wanting to be all man.

That decision caught up with me really quickly. We’d barely reached the 128 exit and I was dying to write my name in some snow. Well, the rest of the ride became a blur as that desire turned into a necessity. All I could think about was peeing and how immature not wanting to break the seal was.

Anyway, as we rolled (slowly) through Boston, I decided I just couldn’t wait any longer. My kidneys started to hurt. I shit you not. Thankfully Allison couldn’t wait either, so we jumped out of the bus in the middle of Boston. We rushed into the Cheesecake Factory. I swear to you, answering nature’s call never felt so good.

We walked out, saw that the bus was gone. We had to find Fenway. Thanks to having visited Dana so many times, I did. We were really close to her old apartment so I took charge (that’s 100% testosterone) to get us there an out into the second inning.

It was a good game, a 7-0 victory against the Reds (not that much of a triumph really). In fact, deep into the sixth inning it looked like Wells was going to pull out a no-hitter. Honestly though, the events preceding the game are far more exciting.

The ride home sucked. I don’t even want to relive it to write the story. $60 for all that was pretty worth it.


