1 minute read

Thanks to my article about a bullshit Steve Jobs interview, I’ve gotten my first threat.

12:11:04 AM mmskmmskmmsk: dlong

12:11:08 AM mmskmmskmmsk: get the fuck outta here

12:11:16 AM mmskmmskmmsk: posting garbage on digg

12:11:24 AM mmskmmskmmsk: trying to promote your own shitty site

12:11:44 AM mmskmmskmmsk: like you broke a story or something

12:11:48 AM mmskmmskmmsk: you didnt break shit

12:12:00 AM mmskmmskmmsk: the article on that site was not proven fake

12:12:11 AM dbasstard: oh, you’re an ewoky guy!

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12:12:12 AM mmskmmskmmsk: so stop trying to get press off it like you owned them

12:12:15 AM mmskmmskmmsk: nope

12:12:24 AM mmskmmskmmsk: but ive followed this since last night

12:12:34 AM mmskmmskmmsk: and you’re acting like a retard trying to cash in

12:12:51 AM dbasstard: so, is it Chris? or Lethal?

12:13:00 AM dbasstard: why are you so obsessed about this?

12:13:05 AM mmskmmskmmsk: because you are

12:13:15 AM mmskmmskmmsk: because you’re trying to fuck up someones site

12:13:21 AM mmskmmskmmsk: the shit was explained

12:13:29 AM mmskmmskmmsk: but no, you had to go and fuck with them

12:13:30 AM dbasstard: no, I’m pointing out a fraudulent article

12:13:38 AM mmskmmskmmsk: no you’re not

12:13:41 AM mmskmmskmmsk: it wasnt proven

12:13:45 AM mmskmmskmmsk: its speculation

12:13:50 AM dbasstard: dude, I wrote to Apple

12:13:58 AM mmskmmskmmsk: and why are you on it anyway? bored? no real news to report?

12:13:59 AM dbasstard: it was fraudulent

12:14:03 AM mmskmmskmmsk: you suck as a reporter

12:14:09 AM mmskmmskmmsk: prove it then

12:14:15 AM mmskmmskmmsk: you suck as a journalist

12:14:27 AM mmskmmskmmsk: be a man

12:14:30 AM dbasstard: how would you like it proven?

12:14:30 AM mmskmmskmmsk: dont be a girl

12:14:38 AM mmskmmskmmsk: actual evidence

12:14:43 AM dbasstard: like what?

12:14:51 AM mmskmmskmmsk: fuck you anyway, your article will die soon

12:14:56 AM dbasstard: besides the email from Apple PR?

12:15:03 AM mmskmmskmmsk: fucking wannabe reporter

12:15:06 AM mmskmmskmmsk: watch your back

12:15:10 AM mmskmmskmmsk: dont fuck with people asshole

12:15:14 AM mmskmmskmmsk: warning u

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Real mature.

