WordPress 1.5 Released!

1 minute read

I know all of you haven’t been waiting like I have been for this, but the fine folks over at WordPress have finished work on WordPress 1.5 “Strayhorn.” This means that I’ll be taking the site down later. I’m not sure if it will be tonight, tomorrow, or sometime later this week. First, I need to finish at least one new theme. I’ve already started working on it on my test blog. It’s a modification of the fabulous Kubrick. When I’m done, I’ll be letting Michael know that I borrowed from him (though I tried to limit that as much as possible).

Once I’m satisfied with the new theme, the old themes will be nuked. It’s time to start fresh. I’ll be archiving it in case there is some reason I ever need the existing design again, but I doubt it. I will package up the new theme for anyone interested in using it (and be released under GPL as the original Kubrick is). I will insist that people interested in using the new theme notify me. I’d like to see if/when my work is being used.

It also means I’ll be taking a lot of the clutter off the main page. All those buttons are being moved into various Pages. At the very least, I will have a page for contact (thanks for reminding me Heather), one for subscription (RSS, Atom, etc), my full blogroll, and listings of various services I use (Flickr, 43Things, etc.). I’m going to trim down my blog database by moving Scott and Bob’s blog data into a separate database. I’m also probably going to switch to another spam blocking package. The current system is far too makeshift to make it a long term solution. In other words, nearly the entire site will change.

If you blog and have been looking at WordPress to replace your current software, now is the time to move on up.
